Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Finally recovering

So, after our last post, both of the kids were sick for a total of three weeks, and Daniel and I were down during that time also. No more 103 degree fevers!!! YAY!!! So, on to bigger and better. Today was Book Character Day at Ethan's school, so he decided to dress as Sir Topham Hatt from Thomas the Train. We forgot to stuff his belly, as Sir Topham Hatt is rather large, and he didn't have a suit jacket, but he was very handsome and pulled it off nicely.

Friday, September 24, 2010

So, the Bauer's are staying in the building

Went to pick Ethan up from school on Friday and was asked to move my car forward because he hadn't responded when they called his name. This isn't completely unusual, but he hasn't done that in a while. So, we waited, and waited and waited, and no Ethan. Finally a lady from the school comes to my window and tells me that they can't find him and asked it I could come inside. As Hannah and I are running toward the door, out walks Ethan. He had gotten into the bus rider line by mistake, which is taken to the oposite side of the building. Scared me to death!

So we get in the car and are headed to my parents house, about a 5 minute drive. On the way, Ethan was coughing and tells me that he has been coughing all day. I assumed allergies because Hannah had the same thing going on and the weather was changing, again. About half way to my parents, all of a sudden, Ethan explodes with vomit, all over himself and the floorboard of the car. I pull over on the side of the road and get him out so he can finish his abdominal juggling act and realize I'm standing in an ant pile. I rush him back in the car, pull my shoes off and throw them in the trunk and head home. When home, I realized Ethan felt very warm. So I took his temp and it was 101. And still today, it sits at 101. So, we will not be "leaving the building". We will be bunkered down in the building for what I feel will be a long, long weekend. The CDC has the building taped off, no one in or out, and they're bringing in a monkey to deliver the meds. Thank God for chocolate (non-monkey chocolate)!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Opinions Wanted

So, any opinions on these outfits for Christmas? The pants are cords, and I may get dark blue instead of black. Thoughts? Like/ dislike?

The Bauers are leaving the building

We're heading out! Gonna visit Aimee, Andrew and Zoe for a day. Wish it could be a lot longer, but one day will have to do. I'm sure we'll add pics when we get back, hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Silly Girl

Today as Hannah and I were driving to HEB, I said "uh oh, spaghetti o's", thinking she would mimik me. Instead I hear: "uh oh, some baby toes!". I almost died laughing! I explained it was "spaghetti o's", but she's decided that "some baby toes" gets more laughs, so it's all I've heard all day. She is very funny, but hopefully Daniel gets home soon so he can laugh for a little while!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day weekend

Such a busy but great weekend! We started it a day early because Ethan fell, busted his lip and spent Friday at home instead of going to school. Saturday the kids spent the day with Grandma and Daniel and I helped Adam move into his first apartment. That evening, we had dinner and visited with Camilla, Kyle and Louann. That's the first time we've met Louann but she's great! Sunday was church and then a birthday party at the Bauer's. Happy belated birthday Camilla! Then Monday we went to the store and spent some time with my family, mostly just hanging out and eating chips, mmmmm. All in all we had a great weekend. Now we're just huddled in while the outskirts of the tropical storm passover. It's flooded here. Not sure how I'm going to get out to get Ethan, but I'm about to try! Here's a picture of Hannah and Leah from Sunday. She loves her Aunt Ziza!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Just thought I'd drop in a new picture of Daniel. My plans to make homemade tortillas for dinner were squashed due to a lack of cooking oil, so I have a little extra time right now. Well, here you go:

Not bad for a iphone pic!